
Bullet Point Wednesday Apr 15
[ok, so it's Friday, fire me]

  • At  Last! 
[Game of Thrones on HBO]

This poor schnook has been wandering the planet dressed like this since he betrayed Frodo over a decade ago. I'm glad he's working again. All is forgiven.

  • Nice Job Frenchie!
[France Bans the Veil--http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/12/world/europe/12france.html]

We should now rightly heap all the enmity we wrongly heaped on them for not backing Iraq II. 

Speaking of which, why did we heap all that scorn on the French and not the Germans who also didn't back Bush's folly? Why were people dumping their Bordeaux but not their Mercedes? Had we hurt the Germans enough with the whole frankfurter/hot dog thing back during WWI?

  • This is Why I Live Here

Russian Girls Rhythmic Gymnastic Team walking down 9th Avenue! I want my own hula hoop case!!

  • Global v. Local
We were planning a trip to the ballpark for four, and we had two days/times to choose from. I asked my associate which time she would prefer to see the game: Friday evening or Saturday afternoon. In lieu of reply, she asked:
  1. Who's playing?
  2. How much are the tickets? 
  3. Should I not go? 
After a while I was able to return the conversation to the initial question, and she suggested a time.

Later I pointed out that I had learned through this question [more pointedly than ever] that she had a global approach to answering questions whereas I might approach the question more locally. She asked me what I meant by "global v. local." I mentioned her asking a series of questions around the initial question before she actually answered it. She seemed confused, "Well, how else should I have answered?" 

"By telling me what time you wanted to go."

  • "Hero" Was Exactly the Word I Was Looking For!

[Non-Italics are mine]

...To many, Mr. Charney [American Apparel guy] is not only a somebody but even something of a hero: finding a new niche in a saturated market for cotton basics by refusing to make them overseas [or with actual thread] (despite other companies moving operations abroad); crusading for workers’ rights; and successfully marketing the idea that young adults should embrace their natural sexuality [yeah, that's it]...

Hey, dude, embrace this. 

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